Berabound: Smoke & Mirrors

Meet the showrunners

Season 1 will launch with 2 primary characters and 2 secondary booster assets. The game is meticulously designed to offer tweaks to the staking yields and odds of raid success.


  • Staking $BUDS with Farmers offers a significant boost to staking yields

  • A user may only stake one Farmer on a given network at any time.

  • Farmers can be upgraded by earning $BAKED XP


  • Holding a Police Officer allows a user to carry out simultaneous raids at a lower cost

  • Police Officers can be upgraded like Farmers to increase their odds of successful raids


  • Provide a limited-time boost to staking yields

  • Can be minted by burning $BUDS at the stoner's treehouse

  • They are burnt when used


  • Informants boost the odds of raid success

  • Can be minted by bribing bystanders at the black market

  • They are burnt when used

Last updated